More sass

– 8:07 am

You were five months when we flew out of Riga on Wednesday. I went back to some of your earlier pictures and my word you’ve changed! Lookswise, you are a completely different person. You have more or less the same (evolving) personality but look more like Michael Jackson post-transformation.

Unfortunately, you developed a nasty cough and cold leading up to our departure. Those minus temperatures can be extremely harsh. So Liza and I have been struggling with you, doing our very best to alleviate your suffering. I’m sincerely surprised by how much pain I feel watching you cry from so much discomfort. Maybe it’s amplified because I know, by contrast, you are an extremely happy child, always laughing and smiling. And somehow, between the crackling cough and runny nose, you still dig deep enough to bring out your true self. I applaud you young man. Your father applauds you.

Oh, by the way, your mother and I now have the same chesty cough. My lungs want to come out every time I open my mouth. So thanks for that. But at least now we know how you feel. Also, administering your medication has been a pain. You fucking hate it. So I just bought this little thing to try out tomorrow.

You also have swollen gums so you’re probably teething. That’ll explain the at times incessant fretting, gnawing at anything and everything, unreal amounts of dribble and constant rubbing of the face. You’re going through the motions for sure.

I’ve been experimenting with your food for some time, not frequently but occasionally. Whether it’s bits of papaya or a wild fruit of some kind. You had juice from a granadilla once. I didn’t even know that’s what it was called. I googled “fruit that looks like a passion fruit” to find out. Your mother never stopped me but she always gave me the side-eye. But I’m just expanding your palette. I tried your Aptamil. It tastes like shit quite frankly. You’re an African, you must understand the range and variety of all things food. Besides, you didn’t complain once and seemed to enjoy exploring these new lands. Admittedly, just because you accept it doesn’t mean it’s good for you so I was very very careful. I also don’t know if you have any allergies.

And speaking of food, your mother bought a “how to wean your baby“. It’s very much like her, to buy a hardcover. Looking at our Amazon orders, she also has a “What, when and how to feed” on the way. I feel like for this I would break character and go in blind, giving you the closest thing edible. I was raised this way. That was a long time ago though and I am welcoming of structure and new information.

Right. I’m going to get out of your hair now. Every soft tissue in my body hurts. It’s like I’ve been badly beaten but no one believes me because they can’t see the bruises.

Thursday evening was the first time I went back to playing football since my injury. I don’t remember any nerves, just a strong desire to get the “look who’s back” comments out of the way. Everyone was great and welcoming, more worried than I was. No one would tackle me. Thank fuck for that.

I came out of that training session unscathed and grateful. My knee was (and is still) killing me though. I’d been running at less than fifty percent speed midway through but decided to push through the pain. I found a new limit to gradually exceed.

Good thing I had a sports bath that evening with magnesium flakes to help soothe my muscles. I’d be in a wheelchair otherwise. But yes, I definitely got that post-first game back feeling, with aches and pains all over. You can’t see it, but it’s there and I feel it.

Picking up from the last sass post

WTF are you feeding me!?

– 9:05 am

Right. Your weaning process has kicked off. We’re using the first 30 days from “how to wean your baby“ as a guide. So on Sunday, we gave you some steamed broccoli. I honestly cannot watch this video without bursting.

Seriously? You people eat this shit?

Since then you’ve had courgettes and yesterday, avocado. The avo went down a bit better but your overall attitude towards solid food is “Fuck that!”.

I sent the video to your uncle T and he replied with an audio clip. His laughter is super addictive. I’ve replayed this so many times.

You’re still licking and chewing everything, and I do mean everything. Carton boxes are no exception.

Liza’s colleague Jelena – I think that’s how you spell her name – was here for a couple of days. She left this morning. When we visited Rovinj in Croatia, she gave us what turned out to be a great list of where to eat. It’s been the best food I ever had alive. From honestly priced, modest to expensive, everything was… woof! Most restaurants there only cook with local produce so it’s all super fresh. At least that was the case at the ones we visited. And your food is only as good as your ingredients.

The only other place that comes close from recent memory is Chiltern Firehouse. But it’s not cheap. We went there for Rozalia’s birthday. You were tiny then.

Anyway, she’s here for work and has been Liza’s maternity cover. They’ve both gone into the office for meetings. I think yesterday was the first time your mother has been away from you for that long. She did not like it at all.

It’s not a wrap

– 7:03 am

The omelette

Yesterday we wasted gave you an omelette. Your reaction was a slight positive deviation from the broccoli encounter. Not as much gagging but gagging all the same. Swallowing is still a foreign concept to you.

That said once I mashed bits into your mouth, you were able to swallow them. We gave you water in between to ensure you’d properly swallowed. The last time we fed you solids, I could barely finish saying, “it looks like he might be chok…”, and Liza had given you two giant slaps on your back. I’m surprised it didn’t break. You screamed, of course. We don’t want that happening again now, do we? Didn’t think so.

So in all, small progress but progress nonetheless. Baby steps I guess. At least now we know you’re not allergic. The rest of the omelette is cling-filmed into the fridge. We’ll be back.

Also, through word of mouth, Liza recommended Solid Starts which I’ll be using to manage what foods we give you. It’s a pretty neat resource (and I love a good app). Another thing she quoted was, “babies need their feet to eat” and having free-floating legs would make that harder. I found a backing article. Come to think of it, I don’t think there’s an African dish you can eat with your feet dangling. They require a firm and rigid posture. The lot of them. So I’ve introduced a stool under your highchair.

You’re currently on the floor putting in rolling miles as I type. This is how it goes now… We put you down, blink and you’re at the other end of the room. I can’t imagine the wreckage and destruction to come in a few months.

Unfortunately, rolling implies the end of swaddling. And gosh are we finding out just how hard it is for you to sleep unswaddled. Last night was a mare! We tried to get you to sleep in the bigger bed (you inherited from Kostia and Ginta’s kids) but you weren’t having any of that shit. You can cry for hours, easily. We got another reminder.

In the end, we had to bring you into bed with us. You are still quite jittery and don’t have full control of your arms (and legs). So you wake yourself up half most of the time. And it’s waterworks not long after. There’s also something about needing to be held to sleep. This isn’t uncommon.

Either way though, no more swaddles for you. In fact, I’m thinking of hiding or getting rid of them completely. You can’t be tempted by something you don’t have.

I’ve since put you in a sleeping bag and into the prison-cell-size Moses basket. This thing is definitely too small for you. That and the Snuzpod. They’ll be on Facebook Marketplace soon enough after you’ve mastered the art of sleeping without a swaddle. For now, you’re out cold. Your mother is upstairs trying to make up the sleep time she lost and I’ve got football this morning. It’s my first time back playing in mud on grass since the leg break. Wish me fucking luck!