Third time’s a charm

– 9:36 pm

You’re currently out cold in the Moses basket next to me. But earlier today, we took you to the health centre for your first-ever jabs which included vaccines against meningitis and the rotavirus. The latter is administered orally. I just looked it up and it sounds horrible. You’re going to poop some of it out and apparently, we can catch it through that if we’re not careful with your diapers. It may have just been your first taste of something sweet. So getting you to swallow was easy enough.

The other vaccines were a couple of injections, one on each thigh. Five minutes into the conversation with the nurse, I knew your mother wouldn’t be able to handle it. So she offered to hand you over and we swapped seats.

You cried a cry we haven’t heard before. Delayed. Loud. It’s like your face beat your vocal cords to it. The rest of your body wasn’t far behind in bronze place. Kudos to the nurse for serving the pain quick and fast, without pause. Bang bang! But despite that, you were ululating before she could get to the second thigh.

The scream is one I hope to never hear again. I couldn’t believe how sorry I felt for you. It was a blend of innocence and anguish, wondering why this was happening to you. I haven’t wanted to console you more. So I brought you even closer to my chest, doing everything I could.

Thankfully, and in typical Lian fashion, you’d stopped crying before we left the room, as if embarrassed and trying not to make a scene. It was way too adult-like. You wear your name really well son. You really are a warrior. I am very proud of you.

We’d also given you Calpol an hour prior. That was on Dr Maalouf‘s recommendation when we saw him on Monday. He once again pronounced you fit as a fiddle. I bought the Doublebase cream he suggested for your dry cheeks which already seems to be working wonders. We were using vaseline to this point.

Liza and I are expecting a reaction to the vaccines but so far, you seem yourself. The nurse said you’ll probably get a temperature and to give you Calpol between 4-6 hour intervals which we’ve been doing.

We’re curious to see how well you’ll sleep. And speaking of sleep, yesterday made it three nights in a row you slept right through. If you didn’t tonight, I would definitely wouldn’t hold it against you. Additionally, the other NCT babies are reporting a tough time with these meds – swollen thighs, disrupted sleep etc. So we’re ready, mentally. But fingers crossed, you come out of this without any of the above.