In the pool for the first time

– 10:40 am

Taking your baby to the pool

I wondered in my sleep if I told you your mother and I took you swimming. Checking the blog this morning, I realised I didn’t. That was June 4, at ten months old.

Preparing for it, Liza went through a checklist similar to this.

You had your usual demeanour, 50/50, not smiling but not crying. You simply went with the flow (pun intended).

At one point, I put you on a kickboard and surfed you around. You weren’t screaming with joy but I think you enjoyed it. You also seemed very comfortable in water. That’s your mother’s genes coming to the forefront. I’m only learning to swim now.

In other news, you are… walking. We’ve had to clear a bunch of kitchen stuff off the lower shelves because it’s impossible to keep you away now. My friend Wez is coming round at midday to install some doors on those same shelves. Somehow I don’t feel like this is the last tweak we’re going to make around the house. Sigh.

Also, ha, you’re back to not sleeping through the night. I’m smiling as I write this. I find it hilarious. It’s exactly how I would toy with my captors parents if I were you. I’d have them on their toes every step of the way, keeping them guessing and wracking their brains for answers and solutions to things they should just accept and allow to happen.

So we’re back to the drawing board, theorising about why that is. Liza mentioned introducing background noise. She said it was extremely noisy in Germany, pretty much the entire night. So I guess we’ll blast some road noise on the speaker tonight while you sleep.

There’s a “gym” for babies which we’d recommended your grandad takes you to. He never did because the hours they kept were always around your nap time. I’ve asked you should be woken up regardless and forced to “exercise” and let off some steam. That should wear you out even more. You still have way too much energy at ten pm. You also won’t be napping after six, forget it.