Stranger things

– 11:20 am

I got up from the bench opposite Great Portland Street tube station. A few metres in, I found a pound on the floor. The shiny coin went into my pocket as I looked around for more manna from heaven. I didn’t find any so I continued my aimless walk down random streets, limping and floating about. My watch said eleven so I decided to make my way back in case PatPat showed up for a (dilation) exam.

I looked across and stopped in my tracks, confused and shellshocked at who I was staring at. I mean we both were. We looked at each other, speechless, for about a year. Jaws on the floor and everything, wondering the odds of such an encounter. It was Kim, our neighbour who texted me earlier. We exchanged a massive hug. I lifted her off the ground in the process as she cautioned repeatedly, “be careful, your leg!” But fuck my leg. This is perplexing.

Kim and i baffled

We took a selfie for lols and started walking back (in the same fucking direction).

Turns out her office is literally a few minutes from the hospital. I was just getting some air I said. She asked about your mother who was (and is) doing fine. She’s now 7 cm dilated so maybe fully dilated around 3. The coincidence is mind-bending and baffling.