The circus

– 11:38 am

We’ve had to buy you a playpen. You’re impossible to keep up with now, especially if we have to multitask, which we do. You’re rolling around, crawling creeping at F1 speeds, grabbing and throwing, switching off the heater, pulling stools and cables, dragging baskets… Fucking hell! And you’re not even nine months. So yeah, a playpen. At least so we know where you are between the seconds that go by.

It’s all good fun though. It encourages you to (pull yourself up and) walk. And you love walking. You seem to love it, granted it’s only been a day. But so far, so good. We’re also making a point of not having you in there if you’re having one of your hissy fits. I think this article echoes the same sentiment. It needs to be a happy circus for you.

By the way, I was at football when this arrived yesterday. Your grandad put it together. So it’s him you’ll have to thank for this. Your mother is taking you to meet him shortly for coffee (and to present his way overdue birthday present). She’s upstairs dressing you I believe. I also packed him some leftover ribs from last night. He’ll love it.

The hat crew

Surprise surprise, you’ve outgrown a bunch of your clothes again, in record time. Your mother’s been doing the rounds shopping for outfits. A cap was added to your wardrobe this time. A yellow one. Looks cool. The car seat’s also too small now. So we’ve just bought something else your mother found, which should apparently last for as long as you need one. We’ll see. It’s due tomorrow.

Your grandmother is feeling a lot better. She cooked for the first time in forever yesterday. Valerie took her to the orthopedist as planned. In scenarios like hers, surgeries are ill-advised and not always successful. So the doctor also prescribed meds and physio. We’re back to Bruno basically. Only this time, he’ll have a guide of dos and don’ts from the doctor.

Speaking of Bruno, you seem to not like him very much. It’s tears between you two. Strange. Perhaps it’s the beard. You can imagine how your mother feels about it all. Bruno’s been invaluable to us and she’d very much like for you to get on with him. So would I to be honest. To that, you’re going to attend all her sessions. You just need to see him more often. And hopefully, he’ll just be another guy you’re cool with. You had the same broken relationship with your grandad when they just got here. It upset him very much.

Ah, you have this thing you do… It’s like you’re playing drums, without the sticks or the drums. Air drumming basically, nodding and shaking your head rhythmically, and clapping. You get so happy doing it. It’s as if you’re listening to something we can’t hear. I have no words to describe it. But I do have a video…

What else… Uhm, you’re not skipping meals, we’re still taking shifts with you at night, you’re still happy, chirpy and laughing 99.999% of the time and we have no complaints or expectations of you. You are what you are. The end.