– 11:39 pm

I just got an invoice from Nate, requesting payment in Bitcoin. He’s a front-end developer. We met many years ago working for a payday loan company called Sunny. He’s since moved back to Australia and started a family. Undoubtedly, his daughter has outgrown the baby clothes I sent her. She looks ready to earn an adult-size wage.

We were good friends then and even better ones now. Our friendship has aged like vino. He’s also an excellent soundboard, so I often bounce ideas off him. No one provides feedback more thorough and criticism more constructive. It’s bulleted, concise and digestible. It’s OCD. If you’re ego-free, he’s a great brain to work with.

This time, however, payment was to go live with a new site called I don’t have the time to do it and the opportunity cost is too high. It’s a steep curve for me, a ‘ten-minute’ job for him given he works with WordPress on a daily basis. This way, everyone gets a trophy. I did the legwork and found a template that meets my needs. Beyond that, he doesn’t know what it’s for.

Currently, I’ve been notetaking on Notability, either to edit docs or write freehand. I’m using it as we ‘speak’ but will have to migrate my entries onto the site once it’s live. So everything you read to this point started off some place else. As brilliant an app as Notability is, it’s unideal for diary-style blogging. Come to think of it, perhaps I’m not using it right, not entirely. But if I knew this would evolve into what it is now – and I still don’t fully know what this is – I would’ve used it slightly differently. I could also retrofit it to make it work. But my current setup is too rigid for me to work with. Moving things around has become quite painful. So in all, a site gives me better flexibility for current and future needs.

I just spent the last 4 or so hours designing site icons. It’ll be interesting reading this in the future and looking at the site to see if I used any of them.


– 1:20 pm

I walked limped out to meet your mother at the bus stop. She got you a couple of hats, the baguette I requested and I assume some nursing bras. The latter is why she went out in the first place. She’s struggling with the heat today, currently 26o. It feels hotter though. She’s upstairs, my guess, in front of the Dyson. The week coming is apparently going to be just as hot, if not hotter.
Downstairs is where you want to be in such scenarios. It’s like having the AC on without the hefty bill at the end of the month. Shame a homeless person still wouldn’t crash here with all the kitchen works ongoing.

You’ve met Nate right? ‘Course you have! Anyway, I got him to make some tweaks to the website, nothing intrusive, a half-hour job he said. For example, if you scroll down to the end of this page, you’ll notice Newer posts New diapers” and Older postsOld diapers“. I think it’s quite wry and relevant all things considered.

Nate didn’t know what the site was for when he got it up. He had one of those shower moments guessing it was for you. But he’s inevitably now seen a few (private) posts – it’s still not public. I think he loves the idea.

Christ! Your mother just walked into this screen. I wonder if she’s pieced this all together and is just playing dumb. That’s very unlikely though. She wouldn’t be able to not talk about it if she knew. She took me upstairs to show me what was in her hospital bag. It has all your outfits in separate ziplock bags. Each bag is labelled with its contents on a post-it note. Neat.


– 7:20 am

Yesterday, Liza and I opened a package from Nate. A stylish set of baby clothing gifted to you know who. It was like going through my wardrobe but in infant sizing. My first words to him about it this morning were, “how dare you gift the greatest jacket on earth to a fucking baby who’s going to vomit all over it!? Wtf is wrong with you?” This was between discussions around some CSS changes to make to this site. (I wanted the tags and category fields hidden. They are now.)

About the jacket, seeing is believing. And see it you will, obviously. I’m sure there’ll be many a question asked about “where did you get this? It’s so cute” and so on. It’s bound to show up in a picture or two. Nate’s words were, “I got the jacket in a size 2 I think, so he gets more use out of it and can wear it while walking around and get compliments and all that”. Needless to say, your mother and I loved the gift and were extremely grateful.

Also, this tip of his made me laugh. I haven’t been through your wardrobe but I’m sure you have some outfits with buttons…

Nate: Those Wondersuits are the best. Seriously recommend baby clothes that come with a single zip. Makes changing so much easier. If you see buttons, avoid lol

at least i think the messaging is consistent
1. you wont sleep for shit
2. fuck buttons get zips. seriously, fuck buttons
3. dont kill the little shit

And that was yesterday’s highlight. I also mounted the baby cam to your crib but that’s trivial at this point. Liza sent some demo pictures to her parents who had basically never seen such “hi-tech”. The generational gap comes to the forefront once again. It seems like an obvious thing to have in today’s world but for older folks (and most of present-day African countries), these sorts of gadgets are unheard of.

Your mother is meeting up with Rozalia this morning for breakfast at HIDE. She has her usual appointment with Dr Erskine thereafter. I’m going to drop her off at the station at about 8:15. I actually need to get moving. Wez is coming round to finish the wardrobe downstairs. He should be here any minute now.