She major

– 5:12 pm

Well, if at the time of reading this you haven’t figured this out by now, your mother’s a lot of things. One of those is, “great at her job”. She’s currently in Riga small talking with the President of Latvia and Google’s Global VP. Oh and this isn’t her first encounter with world rulers. She’s very much one of those successful corporate women who can lead the masses (but can’t pack a dishwasher).

– 11:52 am, Wednesday, June 22
Here’s what someone said about her on LinkedIn, (and not for the first time).

Last but not least, meeting Liza Belozerova and seeing how adored she is by the organizations that supports in this region. It speaks volumes of her work, commitment and results.

– 8:19 pm, Tuesday, July 12
I had to return to this post with an update. Liza just sent me the feedback Karan (Global VP, Google) sent her Manager about her and the role she played during this event. The screenshot she received (from Rowan I believe) came with “NOBODY has ever received this from him. Ever.” which makes it even more awe-inspiring and formidable.

I wanted to drop you a note about Liza Belozerova, who I've had a chance to interact with a bit from time to time in the past couple of years, but really engaged with for a few days during my recent visit to CEE. It started with an event that she had organized (with Rowan's guidance and engagement!) of CEE dot-org grantees, as part of a several day convening in Riga. ... She was terrific -- great stage presence, energetic, humble, smart, personable and strong domain expertise. And then she joined me for a meeting with the Latvian President, to explain what it was Dot org was doing. Totally unphased by meeting a head-of-state, she did a great job explaining all the great work that Dot org does. (The President was quite interested and had lots of follow-up questions which she fielded.) ... From everything I understand from the GAPP team in the region, she's also a great day-to-day partner in many ways that I don't get to see. ... I know she's out on mat leave (the fact that she lead such a full agenda while 8.5 months pregnant made it even more impressive!), so it will be a while til she gets the feedback, but just wanted to let you know that she really impressed and you have a very grateful xfn partner! Best- Karan