8 months in

– 10:49 am

Message from dad

Unsurprisingly, your grandad messaged me on the day to extend his love and greetings to the family. I’m We’re working on uniting you guys IRL. More on that soon.

As always we got some Crosstowns to mark the occasion.

At eight months, the most noticeable change is your sleeping habits. It’s the loudest because it affects us all in a major way. If you sleep better, we all sleep (and function) better. And thankfully, this past week, you’ve been on a run of solid 4-5 hour blocks of night sleep. We think it’s because the teething has eased up now that you have two big Bugs Bunny ones on your front lower jaw. So you are currently pain-free.

Nevertheless, your mother and I still take shifts even though you are nowhere near as troublesome or fidgety. She prefers the first half and I the second so it works out without a haggle.

I’m going to use this checklist as a reference for what you’re up to these days (development-wise). Right. Solids. You’re still not big on those. Your mother makes all this healthy Michelin star shit and you’re like ‘Meh!’ after a teaspoon. I hope she doesn’t lose heart. But you currently have no interest unless it’s porridge or fruits i.e. sweet things. In your defence, I hated most veggies when I was younger so it’s probably not your fault.

The other day I tossed you an empty Aptamil container and it looked like you were crawling for it. So that seems to be on the horizon. You still much prefer handheld walking a lot more though so it’s most probable that you’ll skip the whole ‘on all fours’ thing. Just like your mum when she was your age. You’re so happy when walking.

I found a site that curates toys for kids based on their age group. We received the latest box yesterday. I have to admit, you are super engaged with these Montessori-style toys. It’s very impressive. We started you on a pack a month older than you are as you seem quite ahead in most aspects of the pack your age.

One sec, someone just rang the bell. I think it’s Amazon. Brb…

This morning I started moving delicate household items from shelves you can reach. Our house is not very child friendly at the moment. Lol. Nothing’s hinged and most units can be moved around quite freely. So I proposed and your mother agreed to stand one of the IKEA units and create a little toy section for you. It’s where we normally sit you anyway so the only change is these are all your books and toys.

Liza and I are also doing a deep clean to rid of anything you’ve outgrown (so this place doesn’t become a cemetery). There are two bin bags of things headed for the charity shop next to me. Hopefully, they make another infant happy.

Let’s see… I think that’s it. You’re currently out with Liza and her mum taking in the sun and nature (at Wisley Gardens). I have a bit to do here at home. We’ll talk soon.