Good morning America

– 10:02 am

We came back from Cali a few days ago. What a blast we had. It was beautifully hot and you got to meet and hang out with your Uncles Manu and Junior for the first time IRL. Two weeks flew by like no tomorrow, like an unwatched sunset. Thankfully we got to catch a few. (This bit was written by TextFX. It’s an incredible tool.)

I don’t have many myself, but between Liza, Manu, Junior, and his wife Priscilla, there are quite a few pictures. Your mother is going to create a folder for everyone to contribute to. I’ll share some on here when that goes live. It’ll be way better than trying to recount everything that happened from (fading) memory. So until then, all you have is this one I took and love.

After a long-haul flight

I must say you handled your first long-haul flight extremely well. We’re very proud and lucky to have you as such a graceful travel companion. You’re very much still a child but you can be so grown up at times. That said, your mother did heavily prepare for it – new books, toys, a foldable Chicco chair and tray etc. This is not to take anything away from your angel-like attitude though.

I am also flummoxed – this is a new word I learned – by how physically big you are. You’re reaching up at shelves now, pulling and tossing out bits. We have to buy some IKEA doors for the cabinets as a result. It’s just a matter of time before I have to rethink my desk setup. This hippie, out in the open layout we have is not going to cut it for much longer. You are way too fast and way too curious. There’s just so much vim – another new word I picked up from Succession – about everything you do.

Your behaviour is also rapidly evolving. There’s this maddening thing you do now which we are trying to stamp out. When we take something away from you (obviously for your good), the black in you comes out and you start stumping your feet, screaming and shouting bloody murder. You start crying at the top of your lungs as if you’ve been brutalised. We have no idea where this comes from. But this has been ongoing since America and worsened when we got back. As if that isn’t absurd enough, you take it further by throwing yourself to the ground.

I actually find it unsympathetically hilarious. And I’ve got news for you, sir. That shit won’t fly in this house. You have no idea. If I were you, I’d stop immediately, pronto. There’s just no scenario where we let you get away with such nonsense. And to be fair, we’re (or at least I’m) expecting you to express traits like these we have to correct. This is just the first (of many). So it’s no biggie. We’ll just deal with it accordingly and as they surface. The last time you threw one of these tantrums, I took you to the bathroom and we had a chat in front of the mirror. We had a long discussion and I told you why that was poor and why we don’t behave this way. That was a day ago. You spent the night at The Retreat and I haven’t seen you since.

We’ve agreed the right approach is to let you calm yourself down, the same way you cried yourself up, unaided. I’m happy to let you sit there or kick rocks. For as long as is necessary. We won’t reinforce this way of acting by giving you whatever we took away. No no no. You’ll remain without it and when you’re ready to be reasonable, we’ll hug it out.

Both houses, Alpha Road and The Retreat are in cahoots about this treatment. Your mother and I are aligned on this. We have to be consistent with it otherwise you’ll start getting special treatment from us or your grandparents, and vice versa. Liza thinks you’re suffering from jetlag. Perhaps. But I’m not so sure. Either way, this has to and is going to stop. One way or the other. You’re not going to always have it your way in life. That’s today’s teaching.

We’re also rethinking your toys. You have too many. Right now, an Amazon delivery of even more toys has been made to The Retreat. I think your grandparents are getting a bit carried away. A triage needs to happen. I found this article which we’ll follow.

Fuck, is that the time!? I should go. I got a new job with plenty to do.

PS – It’s your birthday tomorrow…

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