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– 7:21 am

It’s your mother’s birthday today (your grandfather’s tomorrow). Liza and I just had a moment mimicking the sounds you make. If you ever hear the phrase “very gooo“, it originated from you. We were all at the table when you went “gooo” from your high chair. I replied with “very gooo“. Everyone laughed and it since stuck.


We were also supposed to be in Tenerife by now. En route to the airport yesterday, we checked and found out the flight was delayed by three or so hours. So we took the foot off the pedal, stopping by to charge the car etc etc

When we got to bag drop-offs around 8ish, British Airways refused to take them stating we still needed to be there as if there were no delays. They said we were late for our 9 am flight (that was still delayed and scheduled to leave at 11:45 am). This is when I normally come in before your mother kicks off on one.

After much back and forth, a very helpful Indian lady on the phone managed to reschedule the flight for today. She was equally perplexed at the absurdity of it all and why they won’t let us board. I came to the conclusion they had oversold the flight, as they do.

I wonder what would’ve happened if we had no bags to drop off. We had already checked in from the day before and could’ve simply walked through to security and to the flight. That’s what we’re doing today. We’ve downsized to hand luggage only. Oh, that flight didn’t leave until after 1 pm. Well done BA.

I also managed to re-align with the hotel to get everything back on track including a taxi pick-up from the airport. They’ll rightfully still bill me for the night we never spent there.

You are probably still asleep awake by now, at your grandparent’s round the corner. They’ll have you till Sunday when we fly back in. This’ll be the first time we’ll spend that much time apart. We considered taking you with us but honestly, it sounded like way too much trouble for a few days. Just the amount of packing and logistical arrangements to make go up significantly with a baby. Some hotels don’t even allow babies. So things can get very tedious very easily. The ‘what if’ scenarios can be endless. What if there’s a medical emergency?

Imagine trying to handle yesterday at the airport with you to care for. We were standing at a ticket kiosk trying to find any flight out, Liza was on the phone to the hotel while I was on one with BA. Throwing you into that mix while trying to sync three different conversations into a single workable outcome would’ve been a lot and unnecessary.

Anyway, I better shoot now (before I miss the flight, again). See you shortly BA.

– 11:55 am

We’re at the airport and pass security. I think WFH for so long as has made me intolerant to noise. It’s extremely loud and busy here. Airpods definitely help though. I also have an appointment when we get back to get some custom earplugs (primarily for sleeping). 

Speaking of sleeping, you’re still no good at it. Either that or we’re not feeding you enough to carry you through the night. Your grandparents reported feeding you 210ml at 11, 2 and 6 am this morning. That’s a lot of milk. So perhaps we need to give you even more (heavier) solids. Milk clearly isn’t doing shit to you. 

Interestingly though, Liza said your sleeping patterns are consistent with those during her pregnancy. You kicked and fussed at night and slept during the earlier hours of the day. So I guess there is that to consider. Nevertheless, we need to do something to get you to take the night for what it is. A time to sleep. 

Your mother had pancakes at Wondertree and we waited for our gate to open at the No 1 Lounge. I don’t know what’s so “number one” about it. We’re waiting to board. The flight is delayed. Shock!

My knee hurts (from the accident). I had surgery on Monday to get the screws in there removed as I found certain gestures restrictive and painful. The ones in my ankle are fine. I am however dealing with the short term effects of that. I am currently wearing knee-high compression stockings to prevent any blood clots. 

I think we can board. Time to go. Love you, miss you already and speak soon.

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