A level playing field

– 11:37 am

We visited Maalouf the other day. You are 70cm tall and ~9.2kg. All good. I was reading his onscreen notes and noticed this word… one sec, let me google itBrachycephaly. It’s the medical term for your flat (back) head. He assured us it’s completely normal and your head shape should readjust over time.

Interestingly, Liza’s dad has a plateaued backhead. So you might be unable to outgrow this one son, it’s in your blood. Just saying. Also, your head size is still in the 98 percentile within your age group.

Father and son

In other news, your sleeping is still shit. You’re still struggling with nights post-swaddle. You have no clue what to do with your hands apart from using them to wake yourself up and into a hissy fit.

Leaving you to sleep in a room by yourself is impossible. I mean, it is but at the cost of rocking this entire building. We’ve tried. It wasn’t as catastrophic as the Turkish earthquakes, but close. So we’re easing you in. Your bedtime starts off in your bed in the other room and next to ours when you wake up screaming. The idea is to have you sleep there long term. We’ve sent our prayers upstairs and waiting for answers.

Despite inheriting my sleeping patterns, you’re still an ultra-smiley child. I don’t know what’s so funny. I want in on the joke and very much looking forward to hearing it.

Additionally, you’re super active and very much alive and kicking, kicking hard. I had to remove the stool from under your highchair serving as a footrest. That’s because you’re kicking down and backwards, so hard you could tip the chair over. Liza said she once had to catch you midflight. Let’s not flatten your head even further shall we not? Cool. But it turns out, this problem has been solved already and there’s a footrest designed for your chair. We bought a couple, one for each house. I gave your flathead grandad the other yesterday to mount on that chair.

Liza went into the office after her speech this morning. I too have to get back to work. It’s been a minute. Catch you later.

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