
– 2:59 pm

I buy most of our meat from Farmison (which I only just found out stands for Farm.Is.On). It was delivered this morning with some items missing from the box. But apparently, they’d emailed me to say my order would be short. While I was on the phone (and learning how to pronounce Farmison), I asked what email address I’d used to place the order. I have a few. The lady started saying …@myd… when I said out loud “”.

Your mother was in the kitchen overhearing the conversation. She asked how I’d get the refund voucher if I didn’t have access to that fabricated email address. I told her I’d create one. “Surely, ‘dear little man’ is taken,” she said. “I’ll find a way”, I replied.

In my paranoid mind, I thought “she’s got this figured out now”. The domain name is self-explanatory and it’s a matter of time before she types it into a browser and lands on here. But no. I don’t think she has. Mouahaha!

In other news, I don’t think I’ve heard you cough in a while. So that’s good. You’re also sleeping well into the mornings which is… Amen to that.

We had a difficult day Saturday with colic and reflux. You wouldn’t keep anything down. The crying was excessive, unusual and unlike you. I think I lost an eardrum. It’s been a while and we thought we were done with the whole spitting-up Aptamil thing. Clearly not.

You’ve also started something new. I have no clue if it’s the sound you find intriguing or interesting. But you literally bring your lips together blowing out “tzzz! tzzz!” repeatedly, every chance you get. And with that come all these bubbles of saliva, flooding down your cheeks, chin and into your neck folds which we’re trying to keep clean, dry and rash-free. It’s proving impossible. And you won’t stop doing it. I’m probably not helping either as I keep repeating the same sound to you. I’m doing it right now. But I learned it from you.

You’re also not far from crawling. That’s my guess anyway. You’re doing the perfect cobra pose and bringing your knees inwards. So it’s a matter of time now. We have no expectations of you so it’ll happen whenever it happens. Hell, you’re not even four months old yet. But until then…

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