Like some dirty dishes

– 9:55 pm

Remember T from the shower? He stopped by to see you on Saturday. You have him to thank for the stylish set of clothes he brought with him. We had a great time just hanging out. He’s also very good friends with your mother now as well. They’re both readers.

It was a big wet day for you today. Your mother and I got to give you your first bath. It happened in a baby tub in the kitchen sink. We had zero expectations of you. Hate it or love it, you were going to get one and continue to for the foreseeable. But you got off to a great start. I must have had the temperature just right because you behaved as though this was something you did all the time. You didn’t cry. Not a beep. In fact, we could’ve left you there all day. I gave you a mild scrub with some baby shampoo using some gloves from Nic (Wez’s wife). You loved it.

The screams did come though when we got you out of the water and into a towel. You didn’t like that very much. The sudden drop in temperature that is. But that was to be expected given how quickly newborns lose body heat. We had the NCT classes to thank for the mental prep. So the application of lotion and clothing was hurried.

All in all, it was a great experience and I’m looking forward to the next one, and the one after that. You seemed even more relaxed and happier since. If you got any more chilled, you might as well be an ice cube.

PS – Your grandmother filmed the whole thing on Liza’s phone. So if you ever wonder what that was like, you know who to ask for footage. I’m typing this in bed and she’s next to me. Still completely clueless.

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