Sleeping on feathers

– 4:42 pm

Your mother has a weekly with Dr Erskine. It’s ongoing until you’re born. She sent me an update not long ago.

Baby nowhere near to being born for at least another 10 days she says. She did an internal exam (painful 🥴)

This can only be her doing. I told her she’s keeping you way too comfortable. Who wants to leave a five-star hotel? Shiiiii! Not me.

Turns out the contractions have also been doing dry runs…

says that baby movement that feels intense and wakes me up at night and feels tiring is actually practice contractions

I need to get some food in me — likely something from Deliveroo. We don’t have a k… I didn’t mention that did I? Right. So the last big major house update pre-baby is the kitchen. We’re getting it re-done. Our place currently looks like a crackhouse.

Which reminds me, I need to message Kostia to pick up the remaining bits of the previous kitchen. He’s Liza’s childhood friend. We hosted them on the weekend with his wife and two (well-behaved) kids. He couldn’t grab the entire kitchen yesterday as some units were still standing. But I think they’re all down now.

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